活塞 底特律活塞队 关注 已关注 从他和范德姆布一起为杰里斯塔克豪斯效力到来到底特律为汽车城效力,萨班利一直希望在最高水平上踢球和比赛。 查看原文 收起原文 From his days with vandymbb playing for jerrystackhouse42 to coming to Detroit and playing for the Motor City, _sabenlee has always wanted to play and compete at the highest level. Get to know this Pistons rookie a little more. 3年前 说两句 未登录 0/120 发表 不当言论会被删除,请文明发言! 评论区 最热 最新 还没人评论,快抢个首发~