凯里-欧文 关注 已关注 致我的同龄人。做你自己,成长!让周围的人无条件地庆祝你,欣赏你所付出的努力。让周围的人无条件地庆祝你,并欣赏你所做的所有努力工作。Hélà🤞🏾♾ 查看原文 收起原文 To my Peers: JUST BE YOURSelf and GROW! Keep people around who CELEBRATE YOU unconditionally and appreciates all of the hard work that gets put in.Distance yourself from the folks who manipulate, hate, and hurt. Hélà🤞🏾♾ 2 1 1年前 说两句 未登录 0/120 发表 不当言论会被删除,请文明发言! 评论区 2 最热 最新 NETS666! Kyrie I heard you were leaving Brooklyn? 回复 举报 1年前 NETS666! l am a student so my engine isn't good sorry. 回复 举报 1年前 点击加载更多 点击加载更多 触碰到我的底线啦~