凯尔特人 波士顿凯尔特人队 关注 已关注 “如果你一年前告诉我,我将站在凯尔特人队的球场上拍摄NBA比赛,我会笑着不相信你说的任何一句话。这段旅程对我来说都是一种祝福。”亚伦·詹姆斯希望他对捕捉内容的热情能激励其他人也这样做📸 查看原文 收起原文 “If you told me a year ago that I’d be standing on the Celtics court shooting NBA games, I’d laugh and not believe a word you were saying. This journey has been nothing but a blessing for me.”Aaron James hopes his passion to capture content inspires others to do the same 📸 1 1年前 说两句 未登录 0/120 发表 不当言论会被删除,请文明发言! 评论区 最热 最新 还没人评论,快抢个首发~