Do Good, Depart from Evil seek Peace and Pursue it!
If I'm in the spot, and bro got the drop
If I feel a way, then he feel a way
We makin' it hot, clear out the block #40piecenuggets
”Because we have not learned the practice of “observing our minds”, instead we let our minds run wild and follow them blindly.
Believing every thought we think, every fear, every criticism, every judgment, the problems our minds create become amplified until they begin to shape the way we see and experience the world.
True spiritual growth boils down to learning that we are not our minds, we are not our thoughts. It is the practice of creating separation from what we think, and learning to surrender to “not knowing” - because ultimately, we have less control than we’d like to believe.
Our minds are constantly crafting new stories to try and make sense of the world so we can feel a false sense of safety - but the safety is an illusion, one that often leads us to make decisions from fear rather than love.
Our minds lead astray with worst case scenario thinking. And if we haven’t learned not to buy into every thought we think, our lives will reflect the negative internal self-dialogue that runs the show.
How to observe your mind:
Practice being a “witness” to your thoughts rather than being led by your thoughts.
When a negative thought, criticism or judgement comes, ask yourself:
“Is this really true”?
“What part of me is trying to control things with this thought”?
“Is this thought coming from love or from fear”? There are many instances where we unconsciously choose to be unhappy because we are locked into an old pattern that usually looks like something happening that’s out of our control, letting our minds build a story, and following the story by acting out and cutting ourselves off from love.
To release ourselves from this pattern, we learn to practice what is called “witness consciousness” - meaning, we no longer follow our minds as our leader, and instead, choose the path of trust, love, and surrender.
Ultimately, the highest expression of spiritual healing is choosing to be happy, and remembering that bliss, love, joy and abundance is our birthright.”
My faith my hope my love with God & myself and I actually still have it in mankind!
What is peace! What is worry! What is our Solution! You have your mind I have mine!